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Peter I´m using it every day and I´m more than happy with this product. 25.11.2015 08:16
Michael Could you share one of your recepies, we recently got ours but frankly we are struggling a bit especially with the kneading bit. 11.4.2020 20:46
Joe Santagata Where is your Bread Machine made please? Not China!!!! 8.11.2015 20:09
Joe Do you deliver to the USA? I see an option for 'Test' for location. Would I be able to select that to get it delivered to the USA? Thanks... 29.10.2015 17:06
Helen I, too, live in the USA, and have searched all over the web for a bread machine with stainless steel bread-pan and beaters. Will your new 2016 model work in the USA, without the need to use a power adapter and voltage converter? Please contact me, when the US model of your Smart Bread Maker is available. Thank you. Helen 7.10.2015 05:45
Samy Just ran across this thread... I searched for something non teflon too and found this at . I emailed them and asked if their machine was available in the USA and their reply follows. "thank you for your interest in our Sana bread maker. Now we produce it with
CE certification for Europe only but we would like to offer this product in
US as well. We expect it could be available in US market later this year. We
will inform you when it´s available there."
Conservopatriot answered on July 19, 2014.....

Did you see that date??? If you all are not planning on making it available to the US, just tell me! Would an employee there just ship it under the table, and I'll pay whatever the shipping is! Let me know,
Kind Regards, I know its not your fault
2.9.2015 18:40
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